Massages Express is normally free to use, however we do charge for premium services. If a cost is associated with the service you're using, you'll be able to see and agree the terms at the time you publish your ad. Our fees are given in British pounds, and they are subject to change. Changes to our cost structure will be communicated on the Massages Express website. We may opt to temporarily adjust our rates for promotional events or new services; these changes become effective when the promotional event or service is announced. You are responsible for timely payment of the Massages Express costs. Without prejudice to any other right or remedy we may have under these Terms and Conditions or by law, we may restrict your ability to use the services if you do not comply. If your payment method fails or your account is past due, we may use other collection procedures to recover costs outstanding.

It is quite easy to create an account on Massages Express. Visit  and click the Get listed link on the right-hand side of the page. This will walk you through a few simple stages in which you will be prompted to enter your e-mail address and some basic personal information. After providing this information, we will validate your email address and send you an email with a link to activate your account. You may then go to your email inbox, read our email, and click on the link to establish an authentic and secure account so that you can post to Massages Express.

Posting an advertisement on Massages Express is straightforward and intuitive. For the protection of our users, all posters must log in securely prior to posting advertisements. To place an ad, visit  and click the Get Listed link on the right-hand side of the page. You will then be taken through a secure login procedure, and after you have successfully logged in, you will be able to enter your ad's data.

If we are very busy, it might take up to two hours for your advertisement to get online. Every ad must be reviewed prior to going online, which might cause delays.

You may pay to have your advertisement appear at the top of our listings for 30 days if you include it. They will show in rotation so that it is equitable for everybody. This function will not lengthen the duration of your ad's visibility. It has its own expiration date.

Featured Ads significantly increase the exposure of your ad, which might make all the difference. Your advertisement will appear at the top of the free Ads results for both local and global searches. Premium Ad will be placed on Home Page Listing - Prominent position on search and category listing pages, while Featured Ad will be featured on category listing pages underneath Premium Ad. Because featured advertisements are highly unique, you will dominate the search results in several categories.

If an account is connected with posts that violate our terms and conditions, we have the right to suspend the account without prior warning. Before publishing an ad, please review our Terms & Conditions and adhere to our Posting Rules to avoid this from occurring.

If you have forgotten your login password, there is no issue. Requesting a new password to be sent to your email address is simple. Simply go to My Account on the right side of the homepage, where you typically log in, and choose "Forgot Password" at the bottom of the page. You may then enter the email address you used to create your account. We will instantly send you an email including a password for logging in to Massages Express securely.

No! For the protection and security of Massages Express users, we have developed a proprietary messaging system that prevents other users from seeing your email address. All e-mail communication will be routed via our secure server, and your messages will be protected!