Tuina Massage

Tuina massage is one of the oldest healing methods of Traditional Chinese Medicine. It is based on the meridian theory of TCM and is intended as a holistic treatment.

Pantai Luar Massage

Pantai Luar is a full body massage from East Asia that uses special ointments, oils and herbal stamps. During the treatment, the body is first oiled and then massaged

Shiatsu Massage

Shiatsu massage originates from Japan and is a special finger pressure massage. It is worked with touches, a gentle pressure, by leaning and with the massage of certain body

Singing Bowl Massage

The singing bowl massage has its origin in the eastern culture (Japan, China, Tibet , north of India). This massage technique uses singing bowls in different pitches, which are

Hot Chocolate Massage

In this type of wellness massage, the body is pampered with a special chocolate, which consists of a type of cocoa containing active ingredients, a special shea nut butter

Dorn-Breuss Massage

The Dorn-Breuss massage, named after the two alternative practitioners Rudolf Breuss and Dieter Dorn, is considered a gentle, alternative healing treatment for the back. The massage is a combination

Ayurvedic Massage

Ayurvedic massage is one of the massage types of traditional Ayurvedic medicine, which originated in India. There are numerous variations of this healing massage, depending on the problems or

Hot Stone Massage

The Hot Stone Massage is a more than 2000 years old treatment method from Asia, North and South America. Especially Native American and Hawaiian shamans attributed strong healing powers

Thai Massage

The classical, traditional Thai massage is over 2000 years old. It is known in Thailand as Nuat Phaen Boran, which literally means “massaging according to an ancient pattern”. It

The Classical Massage

The most well-known massage technique in our latitudes is probably the “Classic Massage”. In reference to the Swedish inventor of the method, Henri Peter Ling, this type of massage