The most well-known massage technique in our latitudes is probably the “Classic Massage”. In reference to the Swedish inventor of the method, Henri Peter Ling, this type of massage is also often referred to as “Swedish massage”. It is one of the most effective types of massage for relieving musculoskeletal complaints, but it also has a very positive effect on diseased internal organs and provides pleasant relaxation.

Classic massage is based on targeted massage strokes that relieve tension and have a very positive effect on the muscles. Five different hand movements are distinguished:

  • Stroking (with both hands in the direction of the heart)
  • Kneading (S-shaped kneading movements)
  • Rubbing (with the heels of the hands)
  • Tapping (lightly beating with a loose hand)
  • The shaking (with the fingertips or palm)


  • Dissolution of physical and mental tensions
  • Stimulation of blood circulation in the skin and muscles (prevents sore muscles)
  • lowering of stress hormones in the body
  • Pain relief (migraine, back pain, neck tension, muscle pain)
  • alleviation of musculoskeletal problems
  • Solution of cramps
  • Reduction of high blood pressure
  • Relaxation and tightening of connective tissue (especially in case of connective tissue weakness)
  • Reduction of water retention in tissues
  • Activation of the lymphatic system and dissolution of lymphatic congestion (lymphatic drainage)
  • Purification and detoxification of the tissue
  • Strengthening of the circulation